How to Use Jubilee Bankruptcy Software

Before You Get Started

Creating a Case in Jubilee

The following is a series of videos that have been put together by Duncan Law, LLP to show staff and attorneys how to use Jubilee bankruptcy software to enter in bankruptcy petitions.

To avoid using any sensitive client data, we are using a mock file. You can view that mock file by clicking here.

Petition Section

General Information


Real Estate Tab (3 Videos)

Vehicles Tab

Other Tabs


Executory Contracts

Income & Expenses

Income (Schedule I)

Expenses (Schedule J)

Means Test

SOFA (Statement of Financial Affairs)

Plan Manager (Chapter 13)

Middle District of North Carolina Chapter 13 Plan

Western District of North Carolina Chapter 13 Plan

Exemption Calculator

Using a Liquidation Sheet to Determine Non-Exempt Equity

Miscellaneous Sections