How Do I Know If My 401(k) is ERISA Qualified?
/in After You File, Bankruptcy, Chapter 13, Chapter 7, Duncan Law Blog, ERISA, Exemptions/by Damon DuncanWill I Lose My Retirement If I File for Bankruptcy?
/2 Comments/in Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Video Vault, Chapter 13, Chapter 7, Duncan Law Blog, ERISA, Retirement Plans, Video/by Damon DuncanGenerally speaking, no. However, there are always exceptions.
Most retirement plans are ERISA qualified, which stands for Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. This law was enacted to protect your retirement accounts from risky investments by your employer or plan administrator. If the plan is ERISA qualified, then your bankruptcy Trustee cannot seize your retirement money to pay your creditors.
Can I Protect My Retirement Plan?
/in Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Video Vault, ERISA, Exemptions, Retirement Plans, Video/by Damon DuncanMost personal property such as cash, bank accounts, furniture, clothes, and retirement plans can be protected by exemptions allowed by each state. Most people that file bankruptcy are allowed to keep most, if not all, of their personal property in bankruptcy.
What is an ERISA Qualified Plan and Why Do I Need it for My Bankruptcy Case?
/2 Comments/in Bankruptcy, Chapter 13, Chapter 7, Creditors Meeting, ERISA, Retirement Plans/by Damon DuncanContact us for a free consultation today
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