How Do I Get the Tax Value Changed On My House?
/in Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Video Vault, Duncan Law Blog, Exemptions, Selling Property in Bankruptcy, Video/by Damon DuncanWhat Should I Expect At My Foreclosure Hearing?
/1 Comment/in Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Video Vault, Chapter 13, Creditors, Duncan Law Blog, Foreclosure, Video/by Damon DuncanIn the State of North Carolina, foreclosure hearings are held by the Clerk of Court or Assistant Clerk of Court, as judges rarely hear foreclosures. The Clerk of Court is only to hear cases involving “legal defenses.” Cases involving any other type of defense, such as defense of fraud cases, are to be handled through Superior Court. This is due to North Carolina being a “Power of Sale” state.
How Do I Request My Tax Transcripts Online?
/1 Comment/in Bankruptcy, Duncan Law Blog, Taxes/by Damon DuncanOne of the most important documents we need in order to file your bankruptcy are copies of your tax returns for the last 4 years. We must have both federal and state. If you cannot find your tax returns, check with your tax preparer or ask the IRS or State for a copy of your returns. You may order a tax transcript online from the IRS website. Transcripts are free and you can get them for the current year and the past three years. You can download and print your transcript immediately or request the transcript be mailed to your address on record.
Can An Undocumented Worker or Illegal Immigrant File for Bankruptcy?
/in Bankruptcy, Chapter 13, Chapter 7, Duncan Law Blog/by Damon DuncanWhat is the Statute of Limitations on Student Loans?
/in Bankruptcy, Duncan Law Blog, Student Loans/by Damon DuncanHow Can I Get Mortgage Statements Sent To Me Again After Filing Bankruptcy?
/in After You File, Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Video Vault, Chapter 13, Chapter 7, Duncan Law Blog, Video/by Damon DuncanCan I Still Use the Mortgage Deduction On Taxes If My House is Being Paid In A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
/in After You File, Bankruptcy, Chapter 13, Duncan Law Blog, Taxes/by Damon DuncanCreditors’ Meeting Information for Winston-Salem Chapter 13 Clients
/in After You File, Bankruptcy, Chapter 13, Creditors Meeting, Duncan Law Blog/by Damon DuncanCreditors’ Meeting Information for Greensboro Chapter 13 Clients
/in After You File, Bankruptcy, Chapter 13, Creditors Meeting, Duncan Law Blog/by Damon DuncanContact us for a free consultation today
Charlotte: (704) 563-1224
Greensboro: (336) 856-1234
Winston-Salem: (336) 245-4294