Too often nursing home abuse or neglect takes place in a nursing home but is never detected until it is too late.
One of the unfortunate realities about growing old is that your body and mind begin to deteriorate. That is a fact of life. However, the excuses that injuries and conditions are caused by old age are too common in nursing facilities. No matter what someone’s age is they should not suffer the consequences of a staff that fails to provide the care that they are being paid to give.
The best way to protect your loved one in a nursing facility is to stay engaged and active in their care. Don’t ever hesitate to ask questions or demand answers if you believe they are not receiving the appropriate care. However, below are some common examples of nursing home neglect and abuse:
Rapid loss of weight without a change in medical treatment
Untouched food on trays that are out of patient’s reach
Extreme hunger when eating with or fed by family
Extreme thirst when fluids are provided by family
Overly medicated, despondent and generally not acting themselves (unless there is a medical reason)
Suddenly fearful or easily spooked
Excessive number of or frequent occurrence of cuts, bruises and other wounds
Frequent hospitalizations
Hesitancy of nursing home to send your loved one to the hospital
Hesitancy of nursing home to seek physician opinion when requested by patient or family
Rarely gets patient out of bed or rarely turns the patient (unless medical condition requires non-movement)
Lack of safety restraints when sitting in a wheelchair
Frequent or unexplained broken bones
Smell or odor coming from the patient may be a sign of bed sores or decubitus ulcers
If you believe your loved one is suffering some form of nursing home neglect or abuse it is important that you contact a nursing home injury lawyer.