Your mortgage company has most likely refused your payment because the mortgage company has received notice of the automatic stay that goes into effect as soon as your bankruptcy is filed. They are probably concerned that they will be in violation of this “stay” if they agree to accept a mortgage payment. A lot of the time this can be cleared up with a simple phone call. If they send the payment back, try sending it again certified mail and keep copies of your receipts. This will help prove that you have been trying to make the payments if needed.
You can always contact you bankruptcy attorney’s office. Usually they will contact the mortgage company for you and make it so that they will begin to accept your payments again. Most importantly, if the mortgage company does not accept your payment, do not go and spend that money! You will eventually pay that mortgage payment and the fact that they did not accept it when you tried to make the payment is not a sufficient excuse to no longer have the payment. Put the money that would be going to the mortgage company in your bank account and leave it there until you have cleared up the misunderstanding with the mortgage company.