The courts require that you take a credit counseling course from an approved agency prior to your bankruptcy being filed. This is not a requirement from just our law firm, this is a requirement by the Court.
When the bankruptcy laws were changed in 2005, one of the changes included two course requirements. The first is that you take a credit counseling course prior to filing bankruptcy. You must take the course within 6 months prior to your bankruptcy filing. Another court requirement is that you take the course at least 24 hours prior to your bankruptcy being filed. The course is simple, and there are even approved agencies that allow you to watch a video online to complete the course.
The second change in the 2005 bankruptcy laws was the requirement of a financial management course. This is a different course than the credit counseling. Financial management must be taken prior to the discharge of your bankruptcy. You can also take this course online from an approved agency.
At your free initial consultation, we will explain both of these course requirements in more detail.
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Duncan Law, PLLC
Charlotte Office:
4801 E. Independence Blvd.
Suite 1100
Charlotte, NC 28212
Greensboro Office:
628 Green Valley Road
Suite 304
Greensboro, NC 27408