What Is A Form 25P in North Carolina Workers’ Compensation?

Filling Out Workers' Compensation FormsWhen you are involved in an accident that occurs on the job, there are a number of necessary Worker’s Compensation forms that need to be completed and then submitted to the appropriate office. One of these forms is called a 25P. Form 25P is also referred to as an “Itemized Statement of Charges for Drugs.”

This form is needed to obtain reimbursement for prescription or medical supply expenses related to the on the job injury and is also required under the Provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act.

The form must be completed in its entirety and prescription and/or medical supply receipts must be attached. The completed form and the receipts should then be sent to the workers’ compensation adjuster or your workers’ compensation attorney who can provide them to the adjuster. The adjuster will then issue you a reimbursement check.